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How to Interpret Dreams and Vision by Perry Stone

  In Acts 2:17, the Lord says He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, in the last days, and the result would be young men seeing visions and old men dreaming dreams. THE LAST DAYS-TIME TO PIERCE THE VEIL There is a veil covering the physical eyes and our spiritual understanding. from seeing invisible things, even though, these invisible things are in existence. Some people do not believe, at all, in this existence, but this doesn’t stop them from being in existence. Only when this veil is torn or pierced, can we get to see these things. The Bible is full of men who pierced this veil. Elisha could see in this realm. When the Syrian army surrounded him, and his servant, he had to pray for his servant’s eyes to be opened, so he could see the chariots of fire encamped around them. On, earth, our inner vision, which causes the brain to see pictures, at night, can perceive some of these happenings in the invisible world. And God shows us things to prepare us for something, or cause us t

EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY-The Magic Words for Influence and Impact by Dr. Phil M. JONES


Exactly What to Say is a short and insightful book on the words to use when approaching customers. Dealing with people can be very fragile and first impressions always matter. Dr. Phil presents twenty-three right words to say at the right time that guarantees the right results in this book.

1. I’m Not Sure If It’s for You, But

Telling the person these words already leaves them with no option but to take a look. It is a rejection-free approach and fires that internal drive on them making them know that a decision needs to be made.

2. Open-Minded 

Most people love to be described as being open-minded. Especially when introducing a new brand or product to a person, using these words, I don't know how open-minded you are to...", changes the odds of them giving in from fifty-fifty to about ninety-ten.

3. What Do You Know?

The "I know best" mentality of people can be one hard nut to crack. But questioning the knowledge on which the person's opinion was founded, changes the narrative. The goal is to turn the person to agree that their opinion lacked insufficient evidence.

4. How Would You Feel If? 

Motivation means 'a reason to move or do'. If you need to get people to do something they ordinarily would not do, there is a need to find a huge reason why they should. And people usually work all their life more to avoid a potential loss than for a potential gain. Therefore creating moments that show people potential losses and gains can be a turning point in their reactions toward that business opportunity.

5. Just Imagine

Painting a picture is powerful. And people make decisions in their minds first before physically. Help people imagine how their situations would change after using your products and it could help them make that decision.

6. When Would Be a Good Time? 

To be in control of conversations, you have to really be in control. So, when it is noticed that they want to turn you off because of time or that they can't reach a decision, ask them when it will be a good time to discuss. It closes their mind from the thinking of "no" as an option. But take note that you work to schedule the next point of contact with them.

7. I’m Guessing You Haven’t Got Around To

When one is fearful of contacting someone they have previously contacted, thinking they haven't gotten done the last task, these words are the best, "I'm guessing you haven't got around to...". There are only two responses to this, either they have done the work and are proud to tell you they have or they are ashamed and promise to make it right.

8. Simple Swaps

Closed questions many times help people make decisions quickly. It leaves them with either " a yes" or "a no". You skip the part where they make an excuse to postpone the decision. Instead of asking if you can have their contact, just say, "What's the best number to contact you at?"

9. You Have Three Options 

These words can help people make decisions faster without feeling they were manipulated. 

10. Two Types of People

Most people like to agree with the majority. These words remove some of the options and create polarizing options. The author gives this as an example, "There are two types of people in this world; those who... and those who  ....". Then ask them who they would like to be.

11. I Bet You’re a Bit Like Me 

These sets of words are really powerful, especially with a stranger. Phil's experience has taught him that people are generally not honest. So, saying this makes them comfortably agree with you. One can use this as a way to void rejection to something the other person would normally have given some excuse for.

12. If... Then 

Conditional statements hold power and have made us believed the statements that followed. Creating a scenario with these words can make people totally believe in what you say.

13. Don’t Worry 

These words could be really helpful to people that are worried or concerned about a certain outcome. When it is noticed that the prospect is very nervous, hold yourself together, and with these words, assure them a way out of that situation 

14. Most People 

People often like to follow in the footsteps of others. Children do this a lot. There would be a group of kids afraid to step out, but when a kid decides to do it, the rest would join in. We all believe that there is safety in numbers. So letting people know that a lot of people will subscribe to the same opportunity you're talking to them about, makes them most likely to jump in.

15. The Good News 

If someone is not sure of their ability to do something, you can turn that negative around with the words, "The good news is...".

16. What Happens Next 

These words move the person to the next step to take. So there is no lagging or slacking. The conversation shouldn't end without people taking an actual step. As a salesperson, part of your task is to help them make that decision. “What happens next is that we are going to take a  few moments,  complete some of your personal details and get things set up for you to receive everything..." as Phil writes could help that prospect make the best decision ever.

17. What Makes You Say That? 

Objections are unavoidable, but treating it like a question instead of a statement opens up more room.

18. Before You Make Your Mind Up 

When they say, "no", it could be really hard to gain them. But perhaps, putting them in an in-between position can help. This does it.

19. If I Can, Will You? 

Your prospect or customer could be waiting for a chance to see if you'll change. You can perhaps change there, " no" answer, by offering an improved price.

20. Enough

It is very important that people have the correct quantities of your product to ensure they develop a habit of using the product. Therefore when they are faced with a decision of taking two or three, a direct question like “Would three bottles be enough for you?” is the key.

21. Just One More Thing

This could help I'm working on a down-sell. A down-sell means working on a lower objective if you fail to reach your primary objectives. These words can help you avoid leaving the prospect empty.

22. A Favor 

Asking for a favor from the customer opens them up to help you out. When people are happy at what you have done for them, they express their appreciation with words like, "You really made my day", this would trigger that sense of pride in you. When it's put like this, “You couldn’t do me a  further favor,  could you? (I mean if they said "yes" the first time). Next time you see Steve, could you share with him a little bit about how it was doing business with me and see if he’s perhaps open-minded about taking a phone call from me to see if I can help him in the same way I helped you?”, or any other way, it works like magic.

23. Just Out of Curiosity

After pitching your idea, it could be heartbreaking if people object because they're not really sincere with what's going on in their hearts. They may respond with, " I need some time to think about this", when the truth is that if they open up, you are likely to help them overcome that challenge preventing them from saying, "YES" to you.  It could really be frustrating, but with the words, "Just out of curiosity, what needs to happen before you can make a decision" then become perfectly silent. They may not know what to say, but they know they must give you a proper answer.

Photo credit: Amazon

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Samuel Olowoyo said…
Thanks for sharing. I've gotten a copy of it and I've read it. It came in very handy.