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How to Interpret Dreams and Vision by Perry Stone

  In Acts 2:17, the Lord says He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, in the last days, and the result would be young men seeing visions and old men dreaming dreams. THE LAST DAYS-TIME TO PIERCE THE VEIL There is a veil covering the physical eyes and our spiritual understanding. from seeing invisible things, even though, these invisible things are in existence. Some people do not believe, at all, in this existence, but this doesn’t stop them from being in existence. Only when this veil is torn or pierced, can we get to see these things. The Bible is full of men who pierced this veil. Elisha could see in this realm. When the Syrian army surrounded him, and his servant, he had to pray for his servant’s eyes to be opened, so he could see the chariots of fire encamped around them. On, earth, our inner vision, which causes the brain to see pictures, at night, can perceive some of these happenings in the invisible world. And God shows us things to prepare us for something, or cause us t


  INTRODUCTION "STEP OUT OF THE CAR!" In July 2015, an African American woman, Sandra Bland, was driving to her job interview at Prairie View A & M University. She often posted short, inspirational videos on YouTube. She got the job and was really glad.  In the afternoon of that day, she wanted to get groceries from the supermarket when she got pulled over by a cop who told her she failed to signal a lane change, as she made a right turn onto the highway. Sandra Bland and the cop named Brian Encinia would argue for a long time as Encinia tried to force her to step out of her car. Sandra finally got arrested. A few days later she committed suicide in police custody. Many other cases of what seemed to be black oppression had been surfacing over the years. T he Black Lives Matter movement was birthed and names such as Philando Castile, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, and Eric Garner.  This book directs these facts and explains what actually happened on that fateful day in July 2


In this book, Steve Farrar addresses Christian men who want to run the Christian race and finish well. Part One: The Priority of Finishing Strong Chapter One: One Out of Ten Steve starts with the stories of three rookie evangelists who started out in ministry in the year 1945. They were Billy Graham, Chuck Templeton, and Bron Clifford. They were all vibrant young ministers on fire for God. However, from the natural look of things, most would have expected Templeton and Clifford to turn out better than Billy Graham because they were finer preachers. However, by 1950, Templeton had left the ministry and no longer even believed the validity of Christ's claims. And by 1954, Clifford was done in by alcohol and financial irresponsibility. Only Billy Graham stayed strong until the end. For a Christian, how you finish is much more important than how you started out. A Christian man is in ministry full-time. He says if a man finishes strong, it will only be because he has tapped into streng


In this engaging book, Robert Bly shares tips on effective time management and efficient job delivery. Chapter One: Work Habits that Speed You Up There are some habits you can take on that help you to get more done in less time. This is freedom. Some of them are: Make a to-do list. Three important and useful to-do lists to keep are daily, projects, and long-term to-do lists. Determine priorities.  Overcome procrastination.  Eliminate bad habits that waste time.  Avoid distractions.  Use the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule states that 80 percent of your accomplishments come from only 20 percent of your efforts. Figure out what makes the 20 percent so productive, then invest more time into these productive activities and cut out on time spent on unproductive ones.  Maintain peak energy during the day.  Adjust your schedule to your energy levels.  Make and use standard operating procedures. Chapter Two: Do You Really Want to be Productive? If productivity is a priority for you, then there are

SAM WALTON-Founder of the Walmart Empire by KATHERINE KREIG

Sam Moore Walton was born on March 29, 1918 , the first child of his parents, Tom and Nancy Walton who lived on a farm (humble beginnings). The government was in the midst of World War I, and the government encouraged farmers to produce more and more crops to feed soldiers. But after the war, there was a surplus of food making farmers struggle with how they would sell and make profits, so Walton moved to Springfield, Missouri, where he worked for his brother. Then the great depression set in.  He was shy but made friends easily, and since his family struggled a lot financially , he and his brother, James “Bud” Walton often worked to help at home. Sam would help milk his mother’s cows, then he would sell them each for ten cents per gallon, to the only ten customers they had. He also began selling magazines, selling pigeons, and rabbits. He was eight years old then . Bud would become a big part of Sam’s business and his partner. He also played sports and learned teamwork and was really

SHE SAID-Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story that Helped Ignite a movement By JODI KANTOR & MEGAN TWOHEY

This book is about women who spoke out, those who chose not to, and the nuances of those who did and why. This book is about the story of the men and women who knew about Harvey Weinstein's behavior, those who lived it, and those who just chose to look away. But it's not just about Harvey, it's about powerful men like him who think they can get away with the ill-treatment of women.  Harvey Weinstein was a very powerful man in Hollywood. He was head of Miramax productions and head of The Weinstein Company. Men like him; Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, and Donald Trump are more famous for being serial harassers and assaulters than they are for being businessmen. This is the story of the article that led to the downfall of Harvey Weinstein.  It all started with a phone call to Rose McGowan who had said in an interview weeks earlier that she had been assaulted by a producer early on in her career in Hollywood. It was quite an open secret in Hollywood the way that Harvey treate

SMART MONEY, SMART KIDS- Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money by DAVE RAMSEY & RACHEL CRUZE

CHAPTER ONE I Was That Little Girl  Rachel Ramsey was born into the family of Dave and Sharon Ramsey with a brother and a sister. Rachel was delivered when the family was going a financial crisis of bankruptcy, but they could fight through this situation due to some principles the father coined out. These principles are now universally applied and they are working for financial stability and debt-free life in families,  and for the kids in the families. CHAPTER TWO WORK (It's NOT a Four-letter Word) From childhood, Rachel has been exposed to work and discipline, and it helped her grow up to be great, parents should ensure that kids should understand that the source of money is work and not commissions from parents, but rather commissions for the works done. This habit I'll help the children robe hardworking when they grow up, but they can't start bucky at a young age. But here are few guidelines on how to teach children to be hard working in the age range. First, Ages 3-5 *


  Part One Chapter one The rise of digital technology is transforming our labor markets unexpectedly. Advancement in technology has provided us with new machines to replace humans. Now, because of that, there are three people who are very valuable to our present economy also known as the "Great Restructuring". These groups are; The high skilled, The owners, and The Superstars.   To join this group of people, you need two core abilities; the first is the ability to master hard things, while the second is the ability to produce at top speed and quality. How does one cultivate those core abilities? That is when the values of deep work come in. The two core abilities just described depends on your ability to perform deep work. Deep work helps you quickly learn things.  High-quality work produced=(Time spent)×(intensity of focus). This formula above is what deep work produces. Increase in focus during hours of uninterrupted work. Chapter Two Deep Work is Rare  People's ability


From having Oprah Winfrey as her imaginary aunt to becoming the first black Editor in Chief of Teen Vogue at the age of 29, Elaine always knew she was destined for greatness. She was born as the second child to Debra and Jack Welteroth, a black mother and white father. Growing up in the suburbs race wasn't an issue to her until she started attending the school where she always found herself in-between because she was always considered too white to be black and too black to be white.  Elaine attended a predominantly white kindergarten and middle school where caramel skin wasn't considered beautiful and being white was the basic standard of beauty, till she got to high school, where she was thrust into a whole new world and all of a sudden she had to deal with attention from boys. She also had to navigate racial issues such as, black table and deciding between joining the track team or the soccer team.  In her Junior year of high school she started dating "First love",

EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY-The Magic Words for Influence and Impact by Dr. Phil M. JONES

  Exactly What to Say is a short and insightful book on the words to use when approaching customers. Dealing with people can be very fragile and first impressions always matter. Dr. Phil presents twenty-three right words to say at the right time that guarantees the right results in this book. 1. I’m Not Sure If It’s for You, But Telling the person these words already leaves them with no option but to take a look. It is a rejection-free approach and fires that internal drive on them making them know that a decision needs to be made. 2. Open-Minded  Most people love to be described as being open-minded. Especially when introducing a new brand or product to a person, using these words, I don't know how open-minded you are to...", changes the odds of them giving in from fifty-fifty to about ninety-ten. 3. What Do You Know? The "I know best" mentality of people can be one hard nut to crack. But questioning the knowledge on which the person's opinion was founded, chang


Who Moved My Cheese? is a fictional story filled with a lot of lessons about making decisions in response to change. Change is inevitable, as some say, but our response to change will go a long way in determining whether we blame people for our failures or move with the change and win. The story unfolds as a group of friends meet for their college reunion and reminisce over their lives after college. One of them tells this story to illustrate the lessons he had learned and imbibed. There were two mice; Sniff and Scurry, and two very little humans; Hem and Haw. The humans had complex brains and had the ability to analyze difficult stuff, while the mice just used their instincts to navigate through life. Every day, they leave their homes searching through a maze to find cheese, which they hoped would bring them joy and success. Hem and Haw were not searching for just any cheese, but a very different kind of cheese. But Scurry and Sniff would use the trial-and-error method to find their